Sunday, December 4, 2011

The time of social algorithms

The evolution of the web from a consultation platform to a platform of participation affects the central role played until now Google, with its well-known algorithm and positioning strategies (SEO), and power distributed function of social networks as traffic source and scope of new strategies such as social media optimization (SMO).

If we have gone to seek information to find people , is that increasingly rely on our social networks in Google algorithms when it comes to access to information that we find it personally relevant.

The functions of prescribing and social recommendation that meet our online communities are becoming more sense in an environment characterized by info pollination.

The renewed commitment by Google to Google + , and the gradual sophistication of social algorithm Facebook ( edgerank ) should give pause to the media about the importance of implementing new mechanisms for ranking news , more social and more personal. Such web analytics should begin to show paths leading to the media not only to better understand their users, but more effectively design interfaces that will recognize and learn from their patterns of consumption information.

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